When I first came online in 2021 I was determined to build a massive online presence using only organic SEO techniques so that I could dominate all of the niche marketing that was then available. Organic search engine optimization (SEO) was then a buzzword meaning that no major search engines were paying for links. Back then I used pay per click advertising methods, which at that point were still fairly new and therefore gave me very little control over how my ad looked or when it would be displayed. At one point, I decided that I wanted to build a massive online presence so I decided to go after the largest market possible and that market was organic Instagram followers. I didn’t know what to expect but I knew that this was going to be the seed of my online empire and I wanted to capitalize on it quickly.

organic Instagram followers

At that time, there were literally hundreds of Instagram accounts but I wanted a few key factors when I was choosing an Instagram management platform: privacy and engagement. At that point, nobody really understood the benefits of having an organic Instagram following because most marketers just wanted more followers. No. That’s not a clickbait either.

Now, you can have an organic Instagram followers and engage them and they will engage you back. This is the primary goal. So what does this mean? It means that your business account will get the kind of attention-grabbing organic Instagram followers that no other marketing strategy will ever be able to match. If you follow these 3 steps, you’ll get that organic Instagram following that will convert into sales.

Step one is to grow your social media marketing efforts using platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Make sure that your brand message is clear and that people understand it. In other words, don’t use the likes of Facebook and Twitter to promote your business. Instead, focus on organic Instagram followers because that audience is more interested in a brand or business story. As your audience grows, you can then add other types of social marketing strategies to generate interest and hopefully those tactics will drive quality traffic to your business account.

Step two is to grow your own community by participating in discussions and giving away free stuff. For example, build an Instagram community for your niche and invite users to share pictures. Offer great content on a regular basis and invite people to give you their opinion. If your audience enjoy what you offer, they will spread the love around and you’ll grow your own followers organically. You can also learn about useful information and tools through insightful and useful content shared by other members of your community.

Step three is to grow a big list of followers while engaging with them on a one-to-one level. This will allow you to promote your business without flooding your followers with a bunch of promotional messages. If you’re able to develop a relationship with your Instagram followers, you can gain some of the most valuable social media followers out there.